Renewing the tread of a commercial vehicle tyre or remoulding (retreading and replacing sidewall veneer) greatly increases the life of the tyre, with subsequent cost and environmental benefits.
A new truck tyre will have an operational span of approximately one million kilometres. When the tyre tread gets down to 4mm it should be re-grooved, offering about 25% of further mileage. After this, the tyre will be remarketed for second life, either via retreading or remoulding. Successive remoulds may then be carried out, but in the premium market tyres will only be remoulded once or at the most twice.
Tyreteam can offer a range of competitive top quality remoulds which our technicians, working from our fully equipped service vans, will fit at the customer’s premises, together with ensuring that correct balancing and alignment is carried out. Our service is fast and reliable, ensuring that the operator’s vehicle is back on the road and working as soon as possible.